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1648 results found.

toro titan zero turn

Toro Titan Zero Turn

Talking to a Toro rep, you’d think the 54-inch Titan zero turn (75305) is a living, breathing creature. Indeed, they put it succinctly in conversation and in their marketing materials. Apparently, this thing has “Pro DNA running through its veins.” Of course, this begs the question of how true that statement is. Undoubtedly, the 75305 […]

skil pwrcore snow blower

Skil Pwrcore Snow Blower

With winter fast approaching, it’s not a bad idea to have a snow blower on deck. Of course, year-round, the OPE Reviews team keeps their eyes peeled for models that you should know about. And we think the 40V Skil Pwrcore Snow Blower (SB2001C-10) is one of them. Overall, it has the features and the […]

ego 56v mini bike

EGO 56V Mini Bike

We all know EGO for their battery-powered outdoor equipment, and with good reason. They’ve been a leader in cordless technology across the vast spectrum of landscaping and lawn maintenance tools for quite some time. However, as the old saying goes: “All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy.” Clearly, this is a mantra […]

stihl fsa 120 r brushcutter

Stihl FSA 120 R Brushcutter

Even though Stihl is something of an icon in the world of gas equipment, they’ve been doing an excellent job of producing battery-powered gear. Of course, this should come as no surprise to anyone. Overall, their standards are impeccable, as are their tools’ features and performance. A case in point is the Stihl FSA 120 […]

ryobi water transfer pump

Ryobi Water Transfer Pump

A portable water pump is a tool that people rarely think to have on hand ahead of time. Yet, when the need arises, they wish they did. Indeed, there are numerous applications for a model like Ryobi’s 18V Water Transfer Pump (P3020). Whether you’ve got a backyard pond, hot tub, or pool cover that requires […]

ego t6 lawn tractor

EGO T6 Lawn Tractor

EGO’s fall lineup of product releases is pretty exciting, to say the least. In fact, we got a taste of what’s on deck at this year’s Equip Expo. We’re talking about everything from string trimmers, blowers, and augers, to snow blowers and mowers. Regarding the latter, we’re particularly keen on exploring EGO’s 56V T6 Lawn […]

greenworks bb361 backpack blower

Greenworks BB361 Backpack Blower

Especially for commercial users, the backpack platform is the way to go when it comes to choosing a leaf blower for your fleet. That said, many Pros still think that gas is the only viable alternative for their all-day, every-day rigs. Given the leaps and bounds that brands like Greenworks have made in cordless technology, […]

echo shred n vac

ECHO Shred N Vac Leaf Blower (ES-250AA)

Most OPE manufacturers have a specific type of equipment that defines their identity among homeowners and Pros alike. For ECHO, that tool is the leaf blower. In our opinion, this puts them in a strong position. After all, consumer research stats show that an estimated 150 million Americans own at least one leaf blower. And […]